WebGLRenderingContext: getUniform() method

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The WebGLRenderingContext.getUniform() method of the WebGL API returns the value of a uniform variable at a given location.


getUniform(program, location)



A WebGLProgram containing the uniform attribute.


A WebGLUniformLocation object containing the location of the uniform attribute to get.

Return value

The returned type depends on the uniform type:

Uniform type Returned type
WebGL 1 only
boolean GLBoolean
int GLint
float GLfloat
vec2 Float32Array (with 2 elements)
ivec2 Int32Array (with 2 elements)
bvec2 Array of GLBoolean (with 2 elements)
vec3 Float32Array (with 3 elements)
ivec3 Int32Array (with 3 elements)
bvec3 Array of GLBoolean (with 3 elements)
vec4 Float32Array (with 4 elements)
ivec4 Int32Array (with 4 elements)
bvec4 Array of GLBoolean (with 4 elements)
mat2 Float32Array (with 4 elements)
mat3 Float32Array (with 9 elements)
mat4 Float32Array (with 16 elements)
sampler2D GLint
samplerCube GLint
Additionally available in WebGL 2
uint GLuint
uvec2 Uint32Array (with 2 elements)
uvec3 Uint32Array (with 3 elements)
uvec4 Uint32Array (with 4 elements)
mat2x3 Float32Array (with 6 elements)
mat2x4 Float32Array (with 8 elements)
mat3x2 Float32Array (with 6 elements)
mat3x4 Float32Array (with 12 elements)
mat4x2 Float32Array (with 8 elements)
mat4x3 Float32Array (with 12 elements)
any sampler type GLint


const loc = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "u_foobar");
gl.getUniform(program, loc);


WebGL Specification
# 5.14.10
WebGL 2.0 Specification
# 3.7.8

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also