PerformanceTiming: fetchStart property
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
Warning: This interface of this property is deprecated in the Navigation Timing Level 2 specification. Please use the PerformanceNavigationTiming
interface instead.
The legacy
read-only property returns an unsigned long long
representing the moment,
in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, the browser is ready to fetch the document using
an HTTP request. This moment is before the check to any application cache.
An unsigned long long
This feature is no longer on track to become a standard, as the Navigation Timing specification has marked it as deprecated.
Use the PerformanceNavigationTiming
interface instead.
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- The
interface it belongs to.