417 Expectation Failed

The HTTP 417 Expectation Failed client error response status code indicates that the expectation given in the request's Expect header could not be met. After receiving a 417 response, a client should repeat the request without an Expect request header, including the file as a payload in the request body without waiting for a 100 response. See the Expect header documentation for more details.


417 Expectation Failed


Expectations unsupported

The following PUT request sends information about an intended file upload to a server. The client uses an Expect: 100-continue header and no request body to avoid sending data over the network that may result in an error such as 405, 401, or 403 response:

PUT /videos HTTP/1.1
Host: uploads.example.com
Content-Type: video/h264
Content-Length: 1234567890987
Expect: 100-continue

In this example server implementation, expectations are not supported and the presence of an Expect header with any value results in 417 responses:

HTTP/1.1 417 Expectation Failed
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 11:40:58 GMT

The client responds by making a request without expectations and with the payload in the request body:

PUT /videos HTTP/1.1
Host: uploads.example.com
Content-Type: video/h264
Content-Length: 1234567890987



HTTP Semantics
# status.417

See also