KeyboardEvent: KeyboardEvent() constructor

The KeyboardEvent() constructor creates a new KeyboardEvent object.


new KeyboardEvent(type)
new KeyboardEvent(type, options)



A string with the name of the event. It is case-sensitive and browsers set it to keydown, keyup, or keypress.

options Optional

An object that, in addition of the properties defined in UIEvent(), can have the following properties:

key Optional

A string, defaulting to "", that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.key.

code Optional

A string, defaulting to "", that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.code.

location Optional

A string, defaulting to 0, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.location.

repeat Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.repeat.

isComposing Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.isComposing.

charCode Optional Deprecated

A number, defaulting to 0, that sets the value of the deprecated KeyboardEvent.charCode.

keyCode Optional Deprecated

A number, defaulting to 0, that sets the value of the deprecated KeyboardEvent.keyCode.

which Optional Deprecated

A number, defaulting to 0, that sets the value of the deprecated UIEvent.which.

ctrlKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey.

shiftKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.shiftKey.

altKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.altKey.

metaKey Optional

A boolean value, defaulting to false, that sets the value of KeyboardEvent.metaKey.

Return value

A new KeyboardEvent object.


UI Events
# dom-keyboardevent-keyboardevent

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also